
Report from the road

A video log / vlog ... learning the ropes of video editing while having fun.

This is Day 1 of my 2015 trip to Ireland and France. I am using this trip as an excuse to practice using an iPhone and iPad Air to create video, photos and to publish my blog. Bear with me as I figure this out. - gary


Life is a series of problems

From Violet on Downton Abbey: "All of life is a series of problems that we must try and solve. First one, then the next, and then the next until at last we die."

I think that's the way God intended life to be. After the spark that becomes us, the rest is up to us including how we look at it all.

Coming off a 10-day vacation to the Pacific Northwest Violet's words came across almost as prophecy.

The final three days were spent at the bucolic Abbey Road Farms and B&B just south of Portland. No TV, no Internet, no phone - just sheep, llamas, goats, and a spectacular vegetable garden including figs, tomatoes, peppers, apples, and lettuce.

We also were surrounded by vineyards and wineries. The only problems we encountered were trying to decide which winery to visit and which farm animal to gaze at. I was even befriended by a wild mallard one evening. She became my shadow for the better part of an hour.

However, since we returned to the "real" world, a place surrounded by technology, Facebook and other cyber illusions, we both feel as if we had been hit by a 2 x 4 almost knocking our new-found peace right out of us.

Honey-do left for France where she had hoped her sister would be available to pick her up. She wasn't. So after a 14-hour flight from SFO to Minneapolis to Amsterdam to Bordeaux, France Honey-do is hoping to grab a train to the town nearest her destination. And all this at the beginning of France's annual "get-out-of-Dodge" month.

While I had it much easier - my normal three-hour commute from San Francisco to Fresno was more like seven yesterday - I awoke this morning to find out that I had no phone, no TV and no Internet service. While at first it was a bit disorienting as I usually start my day by making sure all systems are go (I do get paid for such things after all), I remembered my vacation and looked out my own window at my own garden where peppers, tomatoes, herbs and other assorted produce were growing and thought to myself "problem solved!" I can wait.

I haven't heard yet from Honey-do, but I hope while on the train to her final destination she also could look out her window at the vineyards and wineries and think to herself "problem solved!"

This is my mallard friend. She followed me from our car to the porch where we were hanging out. She settled next to me until we went in to go to bed. 

This is my mallard friend. She followed me from our car to the porch where we were hanging out. She settled next to me until we went in to go to bed.