I'm not sure what kept us going. Maybe we should have read the brochure. But we had done karaoke before, so we also knew we would never see these people again.
The next attendant directed us to take a showerhead and a lever. She then led us to pull the lever to allow the water to flow over us.
The first thing that struck me (besides the obvious) was how much water poured on us. It was like standing under Yo Semite falls in the spring (only the water was warm).
California and Fresno were in the midst of a drought, which meant many of us were showering with a five-gallon bucket to save "gray" water for our gardens. Here, more water dumped on us in 30 seconds than we used in a month of showers back home. It was delightful. And this was the first of 17 stations.
We booked the full-on spa treatment. Almost three hours of nakedness and communion that included a scrub ("Hard or soft brush?" he asked), a sauna (hot and hotter!), a cream massage, and in between lots of floating in different temperature mineral waters from the geothermal wells that are abundant in this area. Hence the name Baden-Baden. The rooms were ornate with towering domed ceilings and tiled walls, not your typical Y pool.
Fabienne was cracking up as the guy working on my skin with a hard or soft brush wanted to know all about The Beach Boys. When he finished with my back, he slapped my butt and told me to roll over.
She was two slabs away, and everyone could hear.
The next stop was the sauna. Unlike the sauna's at our gyms, this sauna held maybe 40 people. We sat next to each other on a pyramid of ceramic seats about 8 feet high. The higher you sat, the hotter it got.
Once you had enough, you followed the sign to the first of several pools of warm, warmer, and finally hot water. The Irish part is a cold plunge at the end of the trip. We didn't partake. We have our limits.
The experience ended with a pleasant cup of hot herbal tea in the relaxing room. We got our togas back, and I wondered why. I had a cup of tea and fell asleep under my toga on a lounge chair.